Summer is undeniably one of the best times of the year. Whether it's brunch at the beach or a picnic in the park, the combination of warm weather and tasty food makes for the ultimate pairing.

Best of all - the foods that are in season are supremely nutritious and extraordinarily delicious. However, when you're camping and don't have the types of utensils and appliances you're used to back at home, healthy eating isn't always a walk in the park. The following are a few ways you can stick to a clean eating lifestyle even in the great outdoors:

Have Health(ier) S'mores

Chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallow - they're the ultimate trifecta for campfire creations. However, if you're looking to replace these signature ingredients with options that are a bit more nutritious - but no less delicious - replace marshmallows with a dollop of whipped cream or topping (two tablespoons contains approximately 15-20 calories) and swap out the chocolate bars with a chocolate-hazelnut spread. Health experts also recommend adding sliced strawberries or banana pieces and finding a graham cracker brand whose primary ingredient is whole wheat, which is high in fibre.

Plan in Advance

No one goes into a camping trip unaware of where they'll set up the tent. The same preparation is necessary when it comes to eating healthy. For instance, if you want to snack on all the great fruits that are in season - like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries - be sure to enjoy early on rather than waiting too long. Raspberries are highly perishable, so ensure you pack them properly and eat them promptly, depending on how long you'll be dwelling underneath the stars.

Eggs are Ideal

Few nutritional powerhouses rival the like of eggs. With 144 essential vitamins and minerals evenly split between the whites and the yolk, there's no wonder they've long been a part of a balanced breakfast. Despite their nutritional robustness, they're not exactly resilient to drops and spills. As an alternative, consider hard-boiling eggs in the preparation. Alternatively, if you want to cook them up while at the site, crack a few into a resealable bottle or container and transport them that way.

Whole ingredients are best for trail mix. Whole ingredients are best for trail mix.

Get Your Trail Mix Fix

Trail mix is the ultimate snack food, especially for the outdoors. After all, the concept originated as something that would be good to take on a hike. Trail mix comes in a wide variety of flavors, both sweet and salty, some more nutrient-dense than others. Health experts recommend keeping it simple by utilizing unsweetened raisins, peanuts, cashews and nuts. Dehydrated fruits to add include apricots, apples and banana chips.

Freeze What's Freezable

Summer is beloved for its warm temperatures, but those same conditions can results in food-borne illnesses if you're not careful. Health Canada stresses the importance of proper sanitation and avoiding cross-contamination. Similarly, before you pack up, freeze foods that are non-perishable. Your foods will stay fresher longer - just be sure to have them as soon as they thaw.