The beginning of winter is often followed by a workout rut. You might be happy to jog outside when the weather is warm and sunny, but freezing temperatures only make you want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and cup of cocoa. Luckily, you can still be active this winter by trying out some of these indoor workout ideas:

Fitness videos

A fun way to stay entertained with your indoor activities is to find fitness videos you love. Fortunately, you have a variety of workout videos to choose from, so no matter your exercise preferences you're sure to find something enjoyable. For example, dance instructions are perfect if you're looking for something fun and upbeat while more intense weight trainings will make you work harder.


Stress is a battle that many people face every day. If you like to use exercise to work off your anxieties, try out yoga. The meditative aspect of yoga is known to help alleviate stress, and the exercise has a number of other benefits. In fact, according to a 2011 study published in the International Journal of Yoga, the practice can improve body strength and flexibility, as well as better sleep patterns.

A woman sitting on the floor doing a yoga pose. Practice yoga in your home while you wait for warmer weather.

Ballroom dancing

You might be surprised just how exhausting ballroom dancing can be. The stiff, upright posture and constant movement is sure to get your heart racing and muscles working. Find local dance activities going on in your area and join in, or if you've never danced before, take a class. The best part about this indoor exercise is that you can get your partner involved. Make this an activity you do together by learning the fox trot and waltz. Then, go to nearby dancing events to show off your new skills.

High intensity interval training (HIIT)

HIIT workouts don't require a ton of equipment, but you'll be working up a sweat in less than 10 minutes. When you first start this training, don't push yourself too hard. You'll most likely be sore after your first day, so you want to make sure your body can easily recover from the exertion without injury.

Workout video games

Finding motivation to continue a workout is hard, but video games make it a little easier to continue your exercising. This is because video game workouts are often fun and present challenges. If you're a competitive person and normally play outdoor sports, try picking up a Wii controller and playing one of the numerous workout programs available.

Indoor sports

Speaking of sports, not all of them have to be done outside. Check in with your local recreational center to see what kinds of activities it offers. You might be able to find racquetball, tennis and basketball courts to play on. A lot of communities also have teams you can join if you don't have anyone to play these games with. Make attending the rec center a routine to stay active and healthy all winter long.